79 thoughts on “Better latte than never – my first matcha latte

  1. I’ve never seen those fancy coffees with green in them before. Must be because of St Patty’s Day next month, like McD’s have the shamrock shakes. This is really original & creative!


    1. Nope it’s not coffee it’s matcha, which is like what green tea is made from. I actually don’t drink coffee, which is why I’ve never had a latte. I love St Patrick’s day though. 🙂

      Liked by 3 people

      1. its powdered green tea leaves, the processing is a bit different to make it. very good for you, and makes an excellent summer alternative to chocolate, flavor is lighter but can be used most anywhere chocolate can. my favorite way to enjoy it is more akin to the green tea ceremony in japan.
        ^for more info


  2. Matt, I’m surprised you just got your first matcha latte.

    I prefer matcha/green tea latte than coffee nowadays. It’s not only taste delicious but it also healthy (antioxidant)


  3. I’ve never heard of matcha before. Is it new? Are they sold in supermarkets/health food stores? I’d like to try it, since I mostly drink tea-(usually decaf). If I do drink coffee, it’s decaf. Beautifully presented!


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  6. EAT chain in the UK do pretty good ones even if heavy on the milk and less so on the tea. Glad you got one, it looks awesome! :oD


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