Books at Queens Arms

Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

46 thoughts on “Books at Queens Arms

  1. Beautiful! Can you imagine our world without books? YES, as long as books will “insulate” the walls in our homes, everything is going to be alright!
    With my warm wishes from sunny Tucson – Alicja


    1. Alicja, I don’t know if you are in the U.S. or not. A number of local governments are actually cutting back (on hours) or closing Libraries. Perhaps they’ve never just walked through the stacks–or in a bookstore– and pulled something off the shelf, starting to read. You can’t locate it on the internet if you’ve never heard of it before. That’s kind of like walking down the street at mealtime, in an unfamiliar city, and following your nose to a great meal. Food for the stomach, food for the mind. AHH-H!


      1. Some parts of Pennsylvania (the politicians) are doing that, unfortunately to “save money” they claim. I think there are better ways they could try to save money!


  2. I would love to have these book shelves and space to have them maybe someday I know I have enough books to fill them plus more books. LOL Thanks for sharing I love this type of antiques plus I like the freestanding ones too. Kat


  3. Hat dies auf rebloggt und kommentierte:
    Großartiges Bild von Matt einfach wundervolle Stimmung.
    So eine Bibliothek wollte ich auch immer haben. Bisschen Alt, bisschen verstaubt aber so richtig heimelig…


  4. How can you see as well, though, compared to a modern library? Would be ironic if there are computers inside to access the Internet-can’t tell what else is there. Looks very relaxing, regardless.


  5. It certainly doesn’t get better than this. Too bad the times are changing and whoever could once sit there and bleed, would now be considered a strange and lonely man by most.


  6. Stayed in hotel in North Wales last year, and the bar had a good selection of books I would have loved to have read., they were all in the Welsh language. Damn! (would have thought they would be translated for we bloody tourists! Honestly, it was as if we were in another country…….).


  7. Hi, my English is very basic, but I want to say that I love this photo, I like to read and write and I feel that in this place, causes do both. Beautiful and inspiring photography. Regards S.C.


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