Golden Gate at sunset and Alcatraz

Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

43 thoughts on “Golden Gate at sunset and Alcatraz

  1. Beautiful pic-the sun, the sky, the ripples in the water…whoever took this pic I’m sure is no amateur photographer! (Looks like a boat/ship out on the ocean).


  2. I’ve just been dreaming of San Francisco. I’ve sat flicking through 2 year old photos on my Mac and trawling through my memory bank for pieces of the favourite time in my life so far. Then i decided to come here to see what’s happening in other peoples minds and this is at the top of my reader. It’s the internet gods telling me it’s time to head back to the bay……


  3. This guy is so married to his camera we get wordpress. The woman this guy marries is a romance pro. Have to get tips from her!


    1. suatu tempat yang sangat bagus dan penuh dengan sejarah kehidupan bahkan pernah diunggah dalam sebuah film kisah pembelotan para perwira tinggi dengan pasukan elite saling tempur hantam dalam kisah film ” the Rock ‘


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