An IBM System 360

Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

64 thoughts on “An IBM System 360

    1. hah, good point: i can see them loading in 1 of those classic bright-data-squares & then hearing the computer
      voice starting up [along w/ lots of harsh cool, oldschool audio-tones] : “work-ing”


  1. Here’s a short video of the IBM 360 in action at the Living Computer Museum in Seattle. Thanks, Matt, to you and Automattic for attending and hosting the WP Seattle reception at the museum last night. It was a really cool seeing all those working computers in one place and hearing about future plans for WordPress.


  2. Reblogged this on Your B.L.U.F and commented:
    Thank God for “User experience design”. This is what some poor engineer or set of engineers once had to grapple with courtesy of big blue. Of course we shouldn’t forget machines like this brought us to where we are now. But we can only be thankful we are where we are. I’m getting pain in my fingers imagining trying to post this on that machine. Still being a good old fashioned tech-boy I’d still love to have a go on it.


  3. Reblogged this on barretojrj and commented:
    The IBM System/360 (S/360) was a mainframe computer system family announced by IBM on April 7, 1964, and delivered between 1965 and 1978.[1] It was the first family of computers designed to cover the complete range of applications, from small to large, both commercial and scientific. The design made a clear distinction between architecture and implementation, allowing IBM to release a suite of compatible designs at different prices. All but the most expensive systems used microcode to implement the instruction set, which featured 8-bit byte addressing and binary, decimal and floating-point calculations.
    The slowest System/360 models announced in 1964 ranged in speed from 0.0018 to 0.034 MIPS;[2] the fastest models were approximately 50 times as fast[3] with 8 kB and up to 8 MB of internal main memory,[3] though the latter was unusual, and up to 8 megabytes of slower Large Core Storage (LCS). A large system might have as little as 256 kB of main storage, but 512 kB, 768 kB or 1024 kB was more common.
    System/360 was extremely successful in the market, allowing customers to purchase a smaller system with the knowledge they would always be able to migrate upward if their needs grew, without reprogramming of application software or replacing peripheral devices. The design is considered by many to be one of the most successful computers in history, influencing computer design for years to come.
    The chief architect of System/360 was Gene Amdahl, and the project was managed by Fred Brooks, responsible to Chairman Thomas J. Watson Jr.[3] The commercial release was piloted by another of Watson’s lieutenants John R. Opel who managed the launch of IBM’s System 360 mainframe family in 1964.[4]
    Application level compatibility (with some restrictions) for System/360 software is maintained until present day with the IBM zSeries computers.


  4. I am just not buying this guys. It would be too easy to put up a little sign on the top. I am gonna say good try. It is not a old computer perhaps something from NASA or engineering recording studio equipment. I don’t know, Guess I could take the time to zoom in. Some of the dials are little old but I am not going to believe it is Just because someone stuck a sign on it…


  5. not a keyboard, mouse or monitor in sight.
    But once you get used to it it makes perfect sense
    nice pic mate, love of the geek, I guess


  6. My laptop holds thousands of times more than that old thing did. But in 1966 it was the top of it’s field. The large ones like this system might have had as much as 1000 kB of main storage and running 8mb of internal memory. Floating point decimals,,, i played with one in 1978 and thought it was tops. Texas Instruments produced the first integrated circuit-based computer for the Air Force in 1961.


  7. Back in the day, when I was a young college student, I wrote fortran programs for an IBM 360. Later, I wrote COBOL programs for the IBM 370. Ahh, those were the days. We used punch cards, wrote JCL, and even understand how the program was compiled so that we could understand why the program failed. Anyone remember, SOC7? Damn, I feel old.


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