Childish Gambino private show – at Fox Theatre

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Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

22 thoughts on “

  1. WordPress is literally rocking the house! Lucky VIPs…

    Still totally numb from the #WPTHINKTANK. That was definitely an epic, mind-expanding event.

    My rant was that many musicians and artists would love to help spread the word about WordPress (WP). WP can easily take advantage of free media opportunities because of WP’s vast, positive aura. Just like a popular elected official or celebrity creates major news with every move, so does WP. WP is young, hip and empowers the masses. WP levels the playing field in a way that cannot be taken for granted. Late night TV mentions, Saturday Night Live skits, a WordPress Music Festival–I see it all. 😉

    Artists use expensive tools and are very thankful for free software which enables us to share our work with the world. WordPress is our digital hub, given that all of our content will ultimately flow through WP. And, of course, there is the power in owning one’s content, which is essential to artists.
    Finally, thanks so much for JetPack 2.9! Related posts and the Mixcloud shortcode are two major gifts.

    What an awesome week!


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