Quiet before the festivities

Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

18 thoughts on “Quiet before the festivities

  1. Really pretty & picturesque! I like the bare trees with the snow on them, & the lights! What city was this pic taken in-(I assume it’s somewhere in the U.S., because I an see American flag.


  2. Reblogged this on The Sausage Machine and commented:
    Obama in English, Dutch and German in The Sausage Machine (Flanders, Belgium)
    * Werden wir uns für die Menschenrechte einsetzen? (Barack Obama, Berlin-Rede) – http://wp.me/p2KEj-gq
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    * saai onderwijs volgens Obama: standardized tests make education boring – http://wp.me/p1hYm7-9s


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