Cool Fade

If you’re a user (or a 1.6 tester) run (don’t walk) to your “Manage” section and delete a few posts, categories, comments, etc. Notice the alternating backgrounds.

That is all. 🙂

Published by Matt

In 2002 I started contributing to Open Source software, and life has just gotten better from there. Co-founder of WordPress, founder Automattic.

20 thoughts on “Cool Fade

  1. Hi Matt, I have tried one. I created ‘test’ category and then I deleted (uncategorized couldn’t be deleted). The effect is the same as when we publish the post. Isn’t it right?


  2. Hi Matt, I have tried one. I created ‘test’ category and then I deleted (uncategorized couldn’t be deleted). The effect is the same as when we publish the post. Isn’t it right?


  3. Very neat, I noticed it actually before I saw this and quite frankly it rather efficently scared the beejeebus out of me. But it is pretty swell…I think I shall play with it more for I am such a doof. 🙂


  4. Administrator: #wordpress on Freenode is for general WordPress talk.

    Just to make things clear: this awesome work only happens when you’re running a version of WordPress straight from the repositories, i.e. the latest 1.6. It won’t work for any version of 1.5.


  5. I’m not noticing any fading whatsoever. Am I doing something wrong? I go and write a junk post, then manage, then click delete on that post and it doesn’t fade just deletes it from the list…


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